tirsdag 20. august 2013

Fukushima: A Global Catastrophe

Picture of unit 4 from late 2011, presented by Simplyinfo

After two and a half years now many are finally saying out aloud what a few have said all along:
This is a global catastrophe. 
After Japan, it's the West Coast of US that takes the first hit.
But whole the Northern hemisphere is threatened.

A lot of things may  happen at Fukushima Daiichi, that lead to new great releases of radiation -
which in turn may make it impossible for the workers to stay.
We should all stop up in our lives, talk about it, something is trying to get our attention.
The politicians will not tell you, you have to read about it yourself.
These radiation releases is nothing that is gone in 30 years..
It will stay. It poisons the air, the land, the food, humans.
Children in Fukushima goes with radiation monitors on their jackets.
Mothers are mocked when afraid of the health of their children.
God, give them strength!
It may be much worse - it may be your problem, too.

"The meters don't protect children from radiation, they simply measure exposure after a certain amount of time,"

The risks have been there all the time..
The work that have been done since the start, have made it possible to stay there and continue to try and solve the enormous problems, but have also created just as much new problems.
Like all the radioactive water that leaking everywhere, into the buildings, the ocean, the groundwater, growing every day and stored in endless tanks, which will not manage an earth quake.
The chance of having an earth quake in a size that will make reactor 4 or 3 to collapse, is estimated to be almost certain within three years. 
A quake of "no more" than 7.0-7.5 is calculated to be enough.

If you don't know God, you might consider who He is and what He wants, and start doing it? 
"Law of Love"

Under is some of Enenews latest headlines, and further down a resyme from Coast Reporter (British Columbia, Canada), John Gleeson: "Editorial: Nuclear crisis reaching critical stage", Aug 16, 2013


Last two days of headlines from Enenews:

Anonymous Tepco Official: Tank may have leaked tons of highly radioactive liquid every day over past month… “We didn’t detect it for as long as 30 days” — Spokesman: Leakage is continuing… Other tanks may be affected

Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem ‘uncontainable’ — Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean

Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable — “Potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight”

Expert: Land under Fukushima reactor buildings at risk of turning into liquid — Area near sea could become like mud

Study shows Fukushima nuclear pollution becoming more concentrated as it approaches U.S. West Coast — Plume crosses ocean in a nearly straight line toward N. America — Appears to stay together with little dispersion (MODEL)

Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency — Massive radioactive leak causes top officials to hold emergency meeting — Tepco: Leakage believed to be continuing Tuesday

‘Growing Alarm’: 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground — Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters (VIDEO)

Officials: ‘Nuclear Fuel Material’ or the like leaked during today’s Level 1 event near Unit 4 at Fukushima plant — “We will explain this incident in the press conference” (MAP)

NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant — “Extremely high radiation levels” found leaking near Unit 4 (VIDEO)

Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history… It’s like a time bomb — They really need to seal off underground (AUDIO)

Canadian official publicly claims ‘no concern’ over new Fukushima leak info… Yet privately requested tests on salmon, due to “great public concern about potential radiation contamination in these fish”

Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I’ve never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov’t ignoring problem (PHOTO)

Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada’s Pacific coast — “We think something happened in the ocean” — “The elders have never seen anything like this at all” — Alaska and Russia also affected (MAP)

Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone — Must be coming from “other contamination routes” entering Pacific — “Devastating impact” to come? (VIDEO)

NHK: Fukushima workers irradiated — Radiation alarm sounds — “No immediate signs of illness” (VIDEO)

Wall St. Journal: Unknown where Fukushima’s nuclear fuel went; Even if found, they don’t know how to get it out —

Coast Reporter (British Columbia, Canada), John Gleeson: 
Editorial: Nuclear crisis reaching critical stage:
[...] On Aug. 14, Reuters reported that Tepco was preparing to remove 400 tonnes of “highly irradiated” spent fuel from the severely damaged Reactor Four building.
The operation, set to start in November and expected to take one year, has never been attempted on this scale [...]
[Reuters: Ex-Fukushima Worker: High risk they'll break fuel rods in Unit 4 pool -- Gundersen: Moving fuel risks nuclear chain reaction; You can't stop it, no control rods to control it]
The operation is necessary, however, because the chance of Fukushima being hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake was estimated last year at 98 per cent within three years. And that, according to the experts, could cause the fuel pool structure to collapse [...]
The seriousness of the situation cannot be overstated. It is truly a global crisis. [...]
For the Japanese it’s a living nightmare, and for the west coast of North America, it is a legitimate threat.
If we had a responsible government, we would be told about the risks [...]
But as far as our government is concerned, Canadians just can’t handle the truth.

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